Integration with OHIF Viewer

The standalone OHIF viewer supports passing a URL parameter to a JSON data that contains the studies/series/images to be displayed. Issue #91

The DICOMcloud implemented a REST API that supports providing the JSON data expected by the viewer to display an entire study.

A StudyInstanceUID is the only parameter needed to call this input, e.g.:


Behind the scenes, the DICOMcloud uses the same service used by QIDO-RS to query for DICOM instances, takes the results and generate the expected format by the viewer.

Now, you can try this feature in the DICOMweb-js demo. The OHIF viewer has been deployed to its own website and the DICOMweb-js demo provide a button to immediately view the studies after querying (QIDO-RS) them from the server.


When you click on a “View Study” button, the demo will extract the “Study Instance UID”, open the OHIF viewer in a new tab then pass the URL of the DICOMcloud OHIF Viewer input as a query parameter.

The result, you can now generate a simple URL that can be embedded in an email or any kind of communication and provide access to an entire study from any HTML5 capable device.

Try this:

ohif viewer

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